'Bone Crossed' Patricia Briggs

Bone Crossed  - Patricia Briggs

Maybe I should have thanked him before I hit him with the tire iron.

“Damn it, Mercy.” He didn't like to swear in front of women. I always counted it a personal triumph when I could make him do it.

Adam was the Alpha werewolf in charge of the local pack. He was tough. He could be mean when he had to — and he wouldn't stand a chance against my mom.

(...) at least vampires looked like everyone else. As long as they didn't display their fangs for the camera — or throw a car around — it was unlikely they’d be spotted for what they were.

He was perfectly capable of sitting around with an innocent smile on his face — and then ripping someone’s head off.

Historically, war has often been used as a distraction for problems at home.

Samuel had a habit of checking pockets before he did laundry. Something about nuts and bolts in the dryer being irritatingly noisy — I thought that was directed at me, but I could have been paranoid.


Data pierwszego wydania: 2009
Seria: Mercy Thompson
Tom 4