'Dead as a Doornail' Charlaine Harris

The first guess as to where Jason was always involved a woman, and the second guess usually included another woman.
He had a slight accent. English was not his second language, of course; it was maybe his twenty-fifth.
"And what happened to you?" I asked politely, meaning how did he come to depart his wonderful warm-blooded life of rapine and slaughter for the vampire edition of the same thing.
Vampires didn't always pay attention to fast-food restaurants, because they didn't eat. (Hey, how many blood banks can you locate off the top of your head?)
“I last saw her . . .” (with half her head gone, sprawled on my kitchen floor, her legs tangled up in the legs of a chair) “Let me think. . . . As she left the party that night. (...)"
I didn't know what to say. Could I tell them I was sorry their loved one was dead, when he'd tried to kill me? There was no rule of etiquette for this; even my grandmother would have been stymied.
Andy did not have any very high opinion of me, though he’d always been a big fan of my rear end. It’s wonderful being telepathic, huh?
I remembered my New Year’s Eve resolution: I wanted not to get beaten up. Note to self: I should have included “shot.”
He was wearing a golden brown silk T-shirt and brown pleated trousers with a magnificent belt that was just barbaric: lots of leather, and gold, and dangling tassels. You can take the man out of the Viking era, but you can’t take the Viking out of the man.
“Franklin has an outdated mind-set.”
This was rich, coming from a Viking warrior whose happiest days had been spent pillaging and raping and laying waste.
Food that walked and talked, that was us. McPeople.
Amazingly, no one woke me all night. No one died, there weren't any fires, and no one had to alert me to any emergency.
The next time someone told me I had to watch a supernatural rite, I was going to tell him I had to wash my hair.
Data pierwszego wydania: 2005
Seria: Sookie Stackhouse (Southern Vampire)
Tom 5